Metanephrops japonicus

Wholesale market in Numazu

I went to the Wholesale Market in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, more than 10 years ago, with a student. Suruga Bay (2,500 m at the maximum depth) is inhabited by a number of decapod crustaceans, and it is possible to buy them through brokers.

Auctioneers in the market. The photograph taken before auction (around 6:00 a.m.)

M. japonicus, expensive

Metanephrops japonicus (アカザエビ in Japanese)This species is collected in the deep sea along the coast of Pacific Ocean (from Suruga Bay to Tosa Bay in Kochi). It is very expensive, isn’t it (more than 1,000 yen per individual).

M. japonicus head

The head of Metanephrops and Nephropus (Infraorder Astacidea: ザリガニ下目)) is unique, and is a bit similar to that of endrobranchiata (根鰓 亜目)

Metanephrops japonicus (ovigerous female)

I visited Numazu perhaps in March or April. Many females carried eggs in spring. Embryos of marine decapod crustaceans are often greenish blue in color and is very beautiful.


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