
研究上の理由により、カナダ産ロブスター(Homarus americanus) の冷凍標本を2匹購入しました。鋏脚 (かんきゃく)の大きいのをということで注文したら 両方オスでした。ロブスターの頭部は、まさにザリガニのそれです。また、左右 鋏脚 の非対称が進んでいて、右がcrusher、左がcutterになっています。

I bought two individuals of the Lobster, Hommarus americanus (frozen specimens) inhabiting the coast of Canada. Both were males. The head of
the Lobster is morphologically very similar to that of freswater crayfishes. A feature of H. americanus is left-right asymmetry in the chealae. Unfortunately, both have been fixed with 80% EtOH, and would be employed for our research. Sample numbers are shown in SLOU.


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